Escatawba Farms History
Escatawba is a family owned farm which has been cared for by only 3 families since Governor Henry Lee III issued a land warrant to the first owners in 1792. We are located in Alleghany County, Virginia on the waters of Dunlap Creek, a major tributary of the Jackson River. The Cowpasture and the Jackson merge near Clifton Forge, VA to form the James River, which flows through Lynchburg, Richmond, Williamsburg and Norfolk.
The Native American’s styled our little river the Escatawba, which means “clear running water”. But unlike the English settlers, along the east coast, the Scotch-Irish settlers of these rugged mountains would retain almost none of the expressive Indian names. These pioneers called our waters Meadow Creek, for the extensive natural meadows they found in the Callaghan area. Our stream took its present name from the Dunlap’s who patented 875 acres that included these meadows.
My Grandfather acquired the farm in 1952 and operated a “Gentlemen’s“ Farm until the early 1980’s. In 1986, we began a registered Black Angus operation and ran it until 1999 when after a trip to buy cattle in Montana, we realized there were an underserved group of Fly Fishermen that might enjoy our 485 acres. The decision was one of the best we have ever made as we have forged uncounted lifetime friendships.